Category: Ad Traffic Validation

Fraud Exposed Series: Unmasking Device Spoofing and Its Impact on Advertisers!
Your ad campaign data is probably skewed. The platforms you think are driving results may be delivering...
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Know the Difference Series: Click Spamming and Click Injection Explained
Digital ad fraud is growing at breakneck speed. This year, marketers are expected to lose over $100 billion...
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The Blind Spot: Advertisers’ Limited Visibility into Contributing Publishers
With the rapid growth in the mobile app ecosystem, the number of fraudulent activities is also increasing...
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How to Boost Revenue via Simplified & Secure Direct Carrier Billing
The forecast for the direct carrier billing (DCB) ecosystem looks bright and sunny with the rise in mobile...
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Know The Unknown Cause Behind Your Abnormally High Installs
The shift towards digital advertising brought many major changes in the way of advertising. In comparison...
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What is the Impact of Fraud in Retargeting Campaigns?
Retargeting is a form of behavioral targeting as it targets people who have already visited a website....
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Know How Your Brand is Under Threat Due to Incent Campaigns
Marketers have come a long way in the journey of advertising. In traditional advertising, marketers use...
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Challenges In Programmatic Advertising: Know How You Can Combat Them
Programmatic has brought a revolutionary change in digital advertising. With its complete automation...
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Can Ad Fraud Detection Stop Your Brand’s Growth? Know the Truth
Ad Fraud is a term that has shaken the entire digital advertising ecosystem in the past decade. Every...
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How To Combat Bot Traffic with Google Analytics?
The word ‘Bot’ can be both good and bad in the digital marketing ecosystem. There are good bots like...
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