3 Dreaded Reasons for Order Cancelation on eCom Stores

Canceled order means canceled conversion and loss of potential revenue post-transaction. Brands dread canceled orders because, unlike exchanges, it means that the customer no longer wants the product. So, even though brands increase their likely customer base, they lose out on building an authentic connection by offering a product-based experience.

Also, customers that cancel orders might share their remorse of delayed delivery or delight in finding a similar item at lower costs with faster delivery in alternative stores as feedback on eCom platforms. As a result, brands lose their grip on scalability while losing money on acquiring customers through marketing and advertising channels.

Also, if the customer buys a similar product on an alternate eCom platform, a competitive brand has managed to boost its customer base, get a higher market stake, and generate more significant revenue.

According to a Statista, 17% of online shoppers cancel orders frequently, whereas 24% have done the same “at least once.” Customers commonly terminate their ongoing shipping due to long delivery durations, reviews & ratings, promotions/discounts/offers, etc.

In many cases, the remorse of order cancelation is not limited to brands but also to customers, as they incur shipping charges if the order has been shipped/dispatched. Moreover, if the customer shares a bad review, it would contribute to the negative sentiment intensity of the listing and tarnish the brand/product reputation.

3 Common Reasons for Order Cancelation on eCom Stores

Late/Delayed Delivery

Late or delayed shipments build a bad reputation for the brand and seller in the consumer’s mind. The most common reasons for late deliveries can include delayed shipment by the retailer, location search problems by the courier, incorrect delivery address, etc. According to a source, 34% of deliveries get delayed due to the retailer.

While the cause is an issue for the brand, the frustration is felt by the customer, who is facing the consequences of ordering online. Another report states that 35% of consumers cancel orders due to delayed deliveries. One of the most common reasons for the delay in delivery from the retailer is “out-of-stock,” which means the unavailability of the product in the store.

During the peak COVID-19 outbreak in the US, 40% of the consumers faced a delay in grocery items. So, the state of delayed delivery has not significantly diminished even after the pandemic (as it is still at 35%).

Revisit to Reviews and Ratings

Besides price after coupons, offers, promotions, or discounts, and free delivery, reviews play a vital role in product purchases. 35% of online shoppers make the final buying decisions after reading product reviews.

The share of online shoppers that read between 1 and 3 reviews before buying a product is 36.4%, whereas consumers that read more than 10 reviews for the same is 14.6%. So, reviews play a vital role in product buying.

Imagine if these customers read the online reviews after placing the order. 45% of consumers often cancel orders if they change their minds, and reviews have that capacity.

Better Promotions, Discounts, and Offers

Online shoppers often search for promotions, discounts, rewards, cashbacks, and offers, even after placing an order. 92% of eCom product buyers ‘always, sometimes, and usually look for offers or deals before making the final purchasing decision.

Another report states that 52% of consumers research percentage off, whereas 22% get convinced with flat discounts as the best options while shopping online. Such a scenario could even happen after placing the order.

Consumers don’t want to pay for too high shipping or service charges and would likely change their minds if a similar product comes with better options. According to a source, 40% and 22% of customers cancel orders due to these two reasons.

For example, if a brand is offering a washing machine without additional cost for setting up, e.g., Rs 1,000 and Rs 200 for service cancelation. On the other hand, if another eCom store has the same washing machine with free service and setting up cost, whom do you think consumers would prefer if the price is nearly the same?

Reducing Order Cancelation with eCom Competitive Analytics

Brands dread the three common reasons for order cancelation; however, they can take action based on real-time insights and alerts. eCom Competitive Analytics tracks stock availability, reviews & ratings, sentiment analysis, pricing, discounts, etc. By checking their SKUs across eCom stores, brands get to learn consumer behavior and demystify the commonly faced problems.

The positive and negative word cloud of the sentiment analysis highlights keywords recurring in reviews. So, brands can deal with listing issues upfront and provide a better user experience. Similarly, the availability section displays the percentage-wise segregation of stocks, which means stock availability versus stockouts. Upon deep diving and reviewing insights, brands can check reasons and actionable measures for decreasing ‘out-of-stock’ problems.


Order cancelation is frustrating, painful, and saddening for brands and sellers as it comes with multiple disadvantages. However, brands can decrease or resolve cancelations by figuring out common issues causing them through eCom Competitive Analytics, a.k.a., mScanIt.

mScanIt offers a chance to brand for tracking sentiment intensity as KPI or threshold and gives a chance of receiving real-time alerts with actionable insights. Using eCom Competitive Analytics, brands get a fighting chance of potentially increasing their revenue, building a bigger pool of customer base, and delivering a better customer experience/shoppers user journey.

Connect with us to learn more about the advantages of insights and real-time alerts offered by mScanIt for your brand.


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