Many times, team mFilterIt is asked one basic but important question. What does the name mFilterIt stand for? In the journey so far, we have seen ourselves evolving by widening our horizons and thus creating an impact growing exponentially year after year. Today, mFilterIt is in its 3.0 version.

The story began with making the mobile ecosystem clean and working on various challenges the mobile ecosystem faced. Apps were being built and deployed in millions for which brands were paying to discover users. This is even happening now. The second era for mFilterIt began with the thought of offering holistic solutions.

While it is a fact that digital is becoming synonymous with mobiles, yet web is relevant. There are a lot of B2B2C transactions like lead generation for Banks which takes the web route with a direct selling agency in between predominantly. So, to offer a holistic fraud-free digital experience, the web became necessary, and the ‘m’ in our name became more of marketing, while the focus on mobile did not reduce.

The relevance and purpose of going digital have changed. Businesses are no longer available on digital for marketing presence and amplification. It is the default business platform for new-age businesses while legacy businesses and sectors are catching up.

The mFilterIt team’s conversations with its customers and other partners are now getting beyond marketing, essentially everywhere where there is an element of fraud, and mFilterIt could save money. This is mFilterIt 3.0, where ‘m’ has acquired three meanings:’ mobile’, ‘marketing’, and ‘money’.

The proprietary technology of mFilterIt is used to filter the fake and bogus things taken away from the digital landscape to result in a trustworthy ecosystem where the organizations are getting what they see and spend.

mFilterIt is confident of its solutions, which can decide between the angel and the evil, signified by suffixing It with Filter. It also adds a flavor of casualness, underscoring the ease of integration that has been the secret sauce of mFilterIt based on the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) principle. If the solution is not easy for any advertiser to implement, it is no good.

These three distinct phases that can identify in the concise but impactful journey of mFilterIt have been filtering ‘mobile’, ‘marketing’, and now ‘money’. With the kind of Digital Transformation journeys different businesses are undergoing, ranging from services to manufacturing, the meaning of ‘m’ would keep on enriching, and our technology will also scale to keep filtering-It the evils of various fraudulent techniques implemented to achieve quantitative KPIs without any intent to complement it with quality.

The future is unpredictable, but one can pick up early trends to see how future opportunities could evolve. At a time when we are at the cusp of the 4th industrial revolution or what is known as Industry 4.0, perhaps ‘machines’ is another flavor of ‘m’ that could be attributed to mFilterIt.

One can foresee a lot of similarities in terms of potential threats in Industry 4.0 and the Smart and Connected world where brands could use mFilterIt technology. There will be an increasing demand to ‘tame’ and identify BOTs which can do a lot of harm in such scenarios. For imagination purposes, think of a machine’s operational plan compromised with a BOT which could over or underutilize it. Similarly, a BOT could loop electricity on and off for homes and public places. Examples can keep going on.

mFilterIt is a listening organization and works in an agile work environment where products keep on improving and adding to their capabilities. Our R&D and product development teams are continuously working on repurposing and re-engineering the company’s core competencies to increase the impact, which results in growth and strengthens the key business parameters.

mFilterIt will keep this blend of robustness and agility as guiding factors to be recognized as a thought leader in the space working with the entire ecosystem to build, nurture, and protect a trustworthy digital space where everyone across the value chain gets rewarded for the good by creating a genuine and pure ecosystem which takes the entire digital experience notches up.


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