Brand Safety : A Paradigm Shift in the Digital Age

Using specialised BOTs powered with AI and ML, real time digital policing is helping brands to safeguard their identity, reputation, and positioning.

When we think of BOTs we associate them with all negative things happening around. For instance, fake engagements and snowballing of fake content. However, the reality is BOTs are also divided like humans as good and bad depending on what they are programmed to do.

Digital is no longer a flirting affair for brands. It’s a serious commitment which not only helps in amplification and outreach but is also used to commerce as well as establish a direct connect with the stakeholders including customers. The D2C ‘wave’ is sailing only because of digital technologies. Today, even traditionally a B2B brand has a direct connect with the end customer.

However, nothing is less of challenges and issues. Digital is an always changing space where every second has a new picture and map created by so many contributors together. Some make positive additions, while some nefarious urchins make regressive ‘contributions.

In all this, a brand also becomes a party and many-a-times without their knowledge or approvals. But as they say ignorance of law is no excuse. Similarly, brands cannot just shed off the responsibility by acting proactively to safeguard their image, identity, and reputation.

Fortunately, the thought has been steered and some proactive digital brands have already started looking for solutions which can effectively and proactively solve the problem. Brands are looking for solutions where they or someone on their behalf could police the entire digital universe and report for any brand thefts, imposters, scams, and other such activities being run in their name.

Replicating things digitally is a cake walk. Additionally, there aren’t very stringent laws to tackle them. Even if they are, they aren’t easy to implement. This leaves brands in a kind of helplessness; at least what they feel. However, with the advancements in technology especially with the emergence of deep technologies, it has become to solve this problem very efficiently.

We, at mFilterIt are using advanced and specialized BOTs who continuously monitor the web space and report any discrepancy or identity theft issue. These BOTs use some of the very advanced techniques like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for deep-link analysis, text, image and video processing, scenario analysis, contextual analysis and other important tasks that they have to do on-the-go to report for any Brand Safety issue.

Brand Safety without the help of advanced technologies is impossible in the digital universe. Contrary to offline, where typically market research and auditing firms are engaged to do an on-foot reporting of similar issues in the physical world, a brand can leverage technology for achieving the same with utmost accuracy and coverage. There cannot be any manual intervention to succeed in Brand Safety in the digital world. A brand may have high value digital ‘enclaves’ which it can monitor manually, but even then, it’s not comprehensively done. Also, Brand Safety is non-negotiable. There must be zero tolerance from the brand regarding Brand Safety. It cannot leave even a single issue unattended, for which there must be first a comprehensive reporting system in place.

mFilterit takes pride in filtering out the distrust in the digital ecosystem with a robust Brand Safety, Brand Infringement and Ad fraud solutions. We leverage latest technology and solutions and are today the bandwagon of digital policing in the complex web digital advertising industry.

Brand Safety is an emerging area in Martech space, and every brand custodian is increasingly becoming interested in it. It is also bringing in different teams of a brand together which includes digital team, brand team, ecommerce team, legal team, CorpComm team as well as partners including agencies which are engaged for various roles.

A brand, which is serious about its digital journey, will have to invest in Brand Safety Solutions and set very high standards to position as one with whom stakeholders including customers, partners, employees and even government have the highest level of comfort to engage. Otherwise, it will not be able to leverage the latent potential of digital which is making brands and businesses boundary less opening wide horizons of fortune empowering their journey of becoming sustainable unicorns and decacorns.

Partner with us today to safeguard your brand to leave a legacy of trust and goodwill!


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