Author: Anukirti Jain
Indian eCommerce players are swiftly moving towards Live Commerce to connect with new shoppers
The rules...
Wait Wait…. It’s not just another article on sale week and it’s not about flowers and teddys. So, what’s...
The fashion-conscious GenZs and millennials are leading the astronomical rise of Fashion eCom
Your order is on the way!” These words set up a flurry of emotion for those who crave a quick bite. The...
As we sit on the verge of the festive season, online shopping is increasing rapidly. Most users search...
Online shoppers judge a product through its ratings and impact purchase decisions
The first and only...
According to a study, products with at least five reviews have a 270% higher chance of a sale.
The number...
Share-of-Shelf of your sponsored listings on eCommerce platforms like Amazon, Bigbasket, Flipkart, etc.,...
Share-of-Voice is a marketing metric that defines your brand’s visibility versus the competition. On...